Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bell Ringer Results

Bell Ringer Results
Five minute sketches from this week

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Visual Art Bell Ringers

Bell Ringers for Art
I walked into a colleague's room the other day and it was glorious.  The second bell hadn't rung yet and students were getting right to work.  There was a bell ringer activity on the board.

I was talking to my students about it and they seemed excited to try it in the art room.  Currently all of my students come right in and get to work.  However, 5 Minute sketches will increase focus.

I will post an art quote on the board and give students 5 minutes to complete a sketch to accompany the quote.

I made mini sketch books for the occasion.  If you want to make similar books or have your students make them for sketchbooks it is so easy.  Email me if you would like the word docs used for the inner pages (will try to post them here later).  I just put drawing paper in the bypass of the copier and 2 staples later:

Here is the quote for tomorrow:  "The artist never entirely knows - we guess.  We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark"  ~Agnes de Mille

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hyde Architecture Trip

Today Digital Photo and Draw/Paint visited the local Hyde Museum for - the first ever - Architecture tour.  All the buildings on 7.5 acres.  Another perfect Fall day with a great group of students and amazing docent, Chas!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Back to School Bulletin Board

Back to School Bulletin Board
I almost skipped taking photos this year!  Introducing STEM vs. STEAM as well as the Design Thinking Process.
It was tons of fun making the Brain-bow

Monday, October 12, 2015

Vector Images

Today I learned how to make my drawings into vector images