Wednesday, September 21, 2016

5 Minute Drawings

5 Minute Drawings combined for Photography Class

Sunday, September 18, 2016

5 Minute Drawing of the Day

5 Minute Drawing of the Day


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Back to School Quotes

I changed the chalk quotes this year.  Said goodbye to one of my favorites, Dr. Seuss and looked up these short quotes about innovation.

Back to School Bulletin Boards

This year I made something different than I usually do for my welcome back to school - a little outside my comfort zone. A new HS English Elective on Harry Potter was offered and several of my students are fans so I bombed 8 bulletin boards with 30 snowy owls carrying messages. Not very colorful but going over well. Below are a few of the boards

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

NYSATA & NAEA Annual Conferences

Some surprise emails from NYSATA & NAEA regarding submitted proposals for the Annual Conferences.  This was my first try to present at both of them (2 each).  One NYSATA proposal was accepted, the other placed on a wait list which has since been accepted.  Both accepted for NAEA. Only 35% are chosen for NAEA done by blind peer review because the process is highly competitive.  
I was just checking it out!  Honored and overwhelmed!