Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Paul Cezanne for Fifth Grade

Paul Cezanne for Fifth Grade, Still Life with three Apples has so much to look at and talk about:  Shading, shadows, color mixing, small brushstrokes, overlapping to add depth and complimentary colors.  Try grounding your Still Life with something other than a straight line in the background!

Piet Mondrian for First Grade

Talked about:  Primary Colors, Horizontal Lines, Vertical Lines, Broadway Boogie Woogie, Composition II.  Super charged First Graders dug into box tops full of squares and rectangles in all shapes and sizes.  As they worked they talked amongst themselves about windows, roads, cars and cabs.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Nature Prints

Digital Photo is a bit of a challenge this year because it is the first class of the day.  I take them outside to gather photos.  For the past 5 years it has been an afternoon class.  So our feet are getting wet from the dew but we are making it work.  There wasn't any sun for our SUN Prints but they still came out great.  Students pinned natural and man-made materials to Nature Print Paper purchased at Blick.  Walked outside for two minutes and then back in to bath them in water for a minute.  I just love the White & Blue.

Friday, September 1, 2017