Friday, March 30, 2018

Charlotte's Web Painting Party / Charlotte's Web Yoga

Our Elementary chooses a book each year that everyone reads.  There are all kinds of activities to go along with the book and at the end there is a culminating event.  This year it was a Painting Party.
Named the paint for some giggles!

Charlotte's Web Yoga was a hoot!
This was created by referencing Basic Yoga Poses for Kids and information from the book Charlotte's Web.

These photos courtesy of our Elem. Principal

There was a different pig for each session.  Almost wishing I stuck with one.  Learned a lot from the experience.  If allowed to do it again it would be even better.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Highly recommend this project.  Short, thoughtful, fun

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Creative People

I was searching for illustrations about creative people and came across this image that didn't seem to have a source.  So I made my own.
I'm calling it tiny me

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Media Art 3D Effect

My class and I were trying out a new 3D Effect Tutorial that was hastily typed up so I could leave the class with a floater to attend a mandatory meeting.  I made this one of our little Fort Ann Town Beach.  This was a comment from a student:
"You know clouds taste good already so those clouds are bound to be delicious" KB

Friday, March 23, 2018

Cut Paper Collage for the Sub Today

Left a bunch of painted paper for landscapes today.  Foreground, Middle ground, Background.  Hope it went well!

Professional Development Today

Learning about the NEW NYS Visual Art Standards today at Shen.  It was great to see Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Lyng from Whitehall and Mrs. Cawrse from Hartford, Mrs. Hamilton from Greenwich.

Thanks to Mary from Shen for inviting us all into her art room for lunch.  The conversation was priceless!  Art room storage ideas, beautiful paper mache animal heads and more!
Loved my elementary group, made new friends, learned about a version of Chopped for the Art Room, will play for sure.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Cinemagraph II

Tried it again this morning while making breakfast.  Tiny bit better.  I'm getting to know you Cinemagraph!  (Break into song Getting to Know You from "The King and I" Julie Andrews version)

Monday, March 19, 2018


First try at a Cinemagraph and it obviously has major flaws but I am super excited about it anyway.  Oh, the possibilities!

3D Movie Effect Studio Media

3D Movie Effect Studio Media.  This week I need some quick independent Photoshop Tutorials due to meetings and conferences.  I have a student that will be interested in applying this to photos and text.

Apply it to text too!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Puffy Paint Shaving Cream & Glue

Well I saw it on Pinterest!  The creation and application of this paint was a great experience for one of my classes.  
Student with 1 to 1 assist 
Independent Student
We mixed the shaving cream and glue until there were stiff peaks just like whipped cream.  Then we folded in the color.  It is not easy to apply!  It is thick!  You have to spread it like whipped cream on top of a pie or icing on a cake.  It takes practice.  So don't expect neat results but do expect delight and busy hands.  Busy mixing, folding, pushing, spreading without an expectation of a certain end result.  Also, it maintained its puffiness after it was completely dry.  I tore my exemplar open and it was this crazy cool texture inside.  Kind of like polyester stuffing.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Plaster Amethyst Crystal Gemstone

A fellow Art Teacher & Blogger inspired this project.  A link to her blog is on the right.  The Multicultural Art Class(Thank You).  
  Here is a work in progress Amethyst Crystal Gemstone.
This is made out of scrap cardboard boxes, tape and plaster cloth.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Still making Palettes.  I dare you to try it!
Palettes from Photos = FUN!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


The current obsession!  Making Palettes

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

2nd Grade Penguins

2nd Grade studies penguins in the classroom and the Art Room.  More Paper Bag Puppets!

2nd Grade

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Art Journal Terms Crossword Puzzle

I draw everywhere, everyday.  Scribbling, sketching, repeating patterns in margins, on recipes, scraps of paper, grocery lists and more.  Sometimes I create places to draw.  Today it is a crossword.
Try it and post below
There are so many more terms that could be used and some that could have been left out.  I limit the time (5-10 minutes) and also wanted a lot of space around the edges.  This was also made with certain students in mind. Students will be instructed to quick sketch all the items in the puzzle around the edges.
Try this out or make your own.  There are plenty of free crossword generators where you can copy, paste & print super fast.  Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Whitehall Visit

I was happy to host this awesome group from Whitehall Wednesday morning bright and early.  They stayed through Digital Photo Class to get ideas for starting a program of their own.

Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Hoagland & Mrs. Lyng

Students were asked to get Macro Shots - as close as possible (minimum focusing distance).  We talked about light.  Using plates and cups to control and filter the light.  Flash, no flash, bokeh.  With the snow day today I will have to wait until next week to see student results.  Stay tuned, will post.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Digital Photo Macro Shots

Digital Photo is working on Macro Shots.  I brought in some items for inspiration and took a few myself - with an Elph!

3rd Grade Thing Puppets

3rd Grade Rocked their paper bag puppets today.  The first one looks just like a mini Thing version of the awesome girl that made it, "Thing...Whatever You Want."  Next is Albert Einstein Thing and the last two are too COOL for school!

Read Across America in the Art Room

Read Across America in the Art Room
K-3 making paper bag puppets = SUPER EXCITED!

K - Put Me in the Zoo by Robert Lopshire, edited by Dr. Seuss
Polka-Dot Leopard
1 - Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Seuss
2 - The Lorax by Dr. Suess
The Lorax
3 - The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss
Thing 1 & Thing 2

Art Bots

7th graders are working on Art Bots this week.  They are getting more and more sophisticated.  I was pleasantly surprised that the day before we even started they had drawn up plans on their own in study halls and at home.  That is how charged up they get about this activity.  I don't just ask them to create a Bot.  I ask that it makes a unique path.  This is the coolest design path yet!
Team: Brooke, Marissa, Jackson, Derek