Thursday, April 30, 2020

Box Board & Cardboard Tube Sculptures

Box Board & Cardboard Tube Sculptures
Painted with Food Coloring!
It makes a great watercolor

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

DIY Mini Projector!

DIY Mini Projector!

What you need:
or these alternatives

Draw little pictures, anything you like on the tape

 or bag or plastic wrap

*Shine the flashlight through the tube or cup
*Face a wall
*Depending on where you hold the flashlight this butterfly could be tiny or bigger than you!

Your own mini projector

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Whale & Shark Clothespin Puppets

Whale & Shark Clothespin Puppets

Draw an animal or person.
Cut it out.
Tape the top of the mouth to the top of the clothespin and
tape the bottom of the mouth to the bottom of the clothespin.

Friday, April 24, 2020

DIY Air Dry Claydough

DIY Air Dry Claydough

Made white last night and color this morning.
This is so easy and the warm dough is sensory heaven!

Waiting for these to dry - will paint later

There is little to no mess involved

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Cardboard Tube Buddy gets STEAMED

Cardboard Tube Buddy gets STEAMED!

Just add Bendy Straws

Draw a character
You need a head, 2 hands, 2 feet or 4 paws
Possibly a tail
This is a cat drawn on a spaghetti box
Trim the arm straws unless you want them to be extra long
Attach all the parts
Tape was used on this puppet
Pull on the legs to make the arms and head move
or just pull on one and the other leg will kick!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

For Earth Day - More Cardboard Tube Buddies!

The cardboard tube buddies posted a few days ago were so popular!
Thank you for your interest

These recycled buddies are all nocturnal woodland creatures.
The trees are tubes too, along with some green paper.
All you need:  Scissors, green paper, tubes and a black marker
Make some buddies today!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mood of the Day - Emoji Exchange

Pick the Mood of the Day with an Emoji Exchange

1. Box Board (Cereal, pasta, frozen yogurt box)
2.  A circle to trace (Cup or tape roll)
3.  Markers or something else to trace and draw with
*First trace a bunch of circles
*Then cut the circles out
*Fold one in half 
Cut along the folded line
*Use half as a guide to cut all the circles in half
Optional:  Keep one box to hold the Mood of the Day 
*Draw a bunch of emoji moods
*Eyes on the top half and mouths on the bottom half 
Have fun mixing and matching moods! 

Inspiration from:  @montessorikedisi

Monday, April 20, 2020

A Little Flashlight Fun

A Little Flashlight Fun
What you need:
1 White Paper
1 Black Paper
1 Gallon Size Plastic Bag
Place the white paper in the bag
and draw on the outside of the bag
Wait for the marker to dry,
Take the white paper out of the bag
and put the black paper in
Draw a flashlight on the white paper
with a beam of light,
Cut it out and slide it into the bag

It is important to cite the source of ideas.  This was a Pin and the link to the source was incorrect.  A search uncovered another blog that cited it to an Instagram Handle.  The Instagram Handle did not result in similar images. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Color Mixing Fun at Home

Color Mixing Fun at Home
What you need:
Liquid Dish Detergent
A Cotton Swab
Food Coloring
Shallow dish - paper plate works

How to:
Pour a little milk into the pan/plate
Squeeze some food coloring into the milk, around the edges
Put some Dish Detergent on the end of the swab
Hold the swab in the middle as shown in the video below

Don't let the cat help!

Magic Flowers - Just Add Water

Magic Flowers - Just Add Water
Put a little water in a shallow dish.  Cut flowers out of paper.

Fold all the petals in once toward the center of the flower.  Place them in the water and watch them open up.

Idea from:

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

String, Paper, Pencil(s)

String, Paper, Pencil(s)
 Drop the string, trace the line of the string with a pencil
 Pick up the string and drop it again and again and again
 Color in all the spaces

Cardboard Tube Buddies

Cardboard Tube Buddies
Pencil, Marker & Cardboard Tube
Make some buddies today!

Found an idea photo on Pinterest.  Tracked it to this link: flickr

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Gratitude Drawing Game

Gratitude Drawing Game
Options for this game.  Don't have a printer? 

1. Draw 6 rectangles.  Color each one a different color of the rainbow:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.

2.  Cut them or tear them out.  Fold them in half, color inside.

3.  Put them in a bowl, mix them up and pick one out.  Match the color to the drawing prompts above.

4.  Draw!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Magic Drawing Hat!

Enjoy this Magic Drawing Hat Activity!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Poster Board House

There was a request to come up with an idea for using poster board.  There are so many things!  You could use a cereal box too.
Here is a house & fire house

 Inside of house
  Outside of house
 Inside of fire house
Outside of fire house