Thursday, May 28, 2020

Brown Paper Bag Snail

Brown Paper Bag Snail

What you need:  Brown bag, glue, marker, scissors.
The paper plate is optional.  Things you could use in place of the plate: Brown bag scraps, colored paper, card stock, newspaper or copy paper

Trace the plate on the bag or draw a large circle
and cut it out.

Cut the rough edges off the paper plate or draw a smaller circle and cut it out.

Fold the large brown circle in half
Glue the smaller circle on as a shell
Add some eyes out of scraps and
Draw some details

This snail can stand and this snail

Brown Paper Bag Owl

Brown Paper Bag Owl
What you need:  Scissors, marker
Glue and paper plate are optional
Trace or draw a large circle on the bag
Cut it out
Fold the edges of the circle in for wings
Fold the top of the circle down for a head
Make a feather texture

A beak and feet can be added with brown bag scraps
or they an just be drawn on

Brown Paper Bag Journal

Brown Paper Bag Journal

Have you accumulated large piles of large brown bags from grocery pick-up?  They make great journals!

Line copy paper up with 2 lower edges of the bag, trace and cut through all layers of 2 bags 

Fold all the cut pages and the copy paper in half.  Assemble them like a book, tucking them inside each other

Punch 4 holes along the folded edge

Push the bag handles through the punched holes and tie knots
I can't wait to draw in it! 

Box Board Camera

Box Board Camera

*Draw a camera on an elbow macaroni box
*Cut it out
*Cut across the top and bottom of the "LCD Screen"
*Weave paper through & draw!

Another idea that was Pinned with no source to site

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What's Your Favorite Color?

What's Your Favorite Color?
I chose orange today - what will you choose?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Backyard Field Notes

It is a beautiful day to go outside.
Here are Field Notes for Bigs and Littles

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Gratitude From A to Z

Gratitude From A to Z

Sketch 26 items that you are grateful for
The Gratitude Sketch Prompts were popular
& the A to Z Prompts were too
Why not combine the two!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Game Questions as Sketch Prompts

Game Questions as Sketch Prompts
Would you Rather?
This? or That?

100's of NEW Sketch Prompts found in an unexpected place

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Big Feet

This Super Silly FUN Project is all over the internet
I wanted to try it too!  In fact I am wearing them right now and have been for the past hour!
BE CAREFUL! My Big Feet are slippery in the kitchen and on the stairs.  They seem okay on the carpet.  So, GO SLOW!  On stairs, put both feet on one step and hold onto the hand rail.  Lean on the wall or the kitchen counter.  Watch the giant feet as you walk.  I almost tripped going from the smooth floor to the carpet.  Lift up your Big Feet as you walk.

What you need:  Box Board/Cardboard, Scissors, String, Pencil/Marker, Hole Punch Optional
1. Trace your feet onto cardboard, poster board, card stock - something sturdy.  I used a cereal box.

2. Think about the type of BIG FEET you want to make.  The sky is the limit!
3. Draw BIGGER feet around the traced feet and cut them out.
4. Punch a hole (or poke a hole - be careful) on either side of the BIG Feet.
5.  Put string through the holes.  Go down through one hole, up through the other and tie it to your foot just like a shoe.  You could use shoe string, yarn or ribbon.  I used twine.


Monday, May 11, 2020

Assembling Found Objects - Cat

Assembling Found Objects - Cat

What other critters can you create?
Birds, fish, dragons, characters?

Friday, May 8, 2020

Box Board Ring Toss

Box Board Ring Toss
This is so simple!

*Draw an animal head on one side of a cereal box

*Draw 2 horns on the other side leaving room
to tape them on (a tab)

*Cut everything out*Tape the 2 horns together
(Double box board for more stability)

*You can just tape the horn on the front of the head
**This small step makes the horn much stronger:
Make a straight cut across the animal head,
insert the horn, tape it on the back. 

*Make rings out of paper plates, 
more box board, poster board, card stock or cardboard.  Just trace something round like a cup, bowl or roll of tape.
*Flowers are optional
These were made by folding a small square of paper corner to corner until it looks like a slice of pizza.  The open end is cut so that it looks like an ice cream cone
Think about other critters that would make a great ring toss game!

We played the Unicorn Ring Toss Game
and there was a lot of laughter.

You could attach it to the wall
We just held the Unicorn Head as a 2 person game
The person holding the head can help get the ring over the horn by moving around.  FYI - Paper plate rings really fly

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Recycled Plastic Spoon Puppets

Recycled Plastic Spoon Puppets

Am I the only one that runs plastic spoons through the dishwasher?
Today I made 2 of them into puppets