Sunday, March 29, 2020

Floating Chalk Prints - Art at Home

Floating Chalk Prints - Art at Home
What you need:
*Shallow pan of water
*Sidewalk chalk, chalk pastels
*Plastic knife or popsicle stick to scrape the chalk
*Heavy paper cut to fit into the pan

Think about heavier paper at home: Card stock, food box that have a light or white side, heavier weight copy paper, paper plates  
Step 1.  Scrape the chalk into the water with the plastic knife or popsicle stick.  Fill the pan with color.

It is fun watching the chalk dust hit the top of the water but too much might sink to the bottom.

This is a dusty project.  Consider a table covering or setting up outside.

The prints need to dry flat - Plan for space.

Step 2.  Place the paper on top of the chalk water.  Tap it and push it around the edges.
Tip:  Be quick about putting the paper onto the floating chalk, push on the edges, leave it in there for 30 seconds to a minute.
Step 3. Lift it up or push it down quickly before you pull it out.  Let it dry with the best looking side up.

When dry, the prints will still be a little chalky/dusty. Optional:  Spray lightly with hair spray or other fixative like spray glue.

Just looking at the chalk floating in the water is a great experience

Want another option?  This one is very simple!
1.  Mix a little white school glue with water.
2. Brush it on the paper.
3. Scrape the chalk onto the paper.  AT YOUR OWN RISK - Sprinkle a little glitter too!

Paper will flatten as is dries

 Paint a shape, like this heart.  Tap the extra chalk off and you are left with this beauty

Another Idea:  Layered Landscape
Cut all the beautiful papers to make a simple landscape.


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